Class TimerSystem


public class TimerSystem extends Object
This class is used for countdown timers such as the Death Timer as thread.sleep cannot be called while playing. Timers are set and reset externally by changing their respective condition.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • enableTimers

      public static boolean enableTimers
    • chatSecondsTrigger

      public static int chatSecondsTrigger
    • chatSeconds

      public static int chatSeconds
    • deathTimerSeconds

      public static int deathTimerSeconds
    • deathTimerEnabled

      public static boolean deathTimerEnabled
    • frenzyTimerSeconds

      public static int frenzyTimerSeconds
    • peaceTimerSeconds

      public static int peaceTimerSeconds
    • peaceTimerEnabled

      public static boolean peaceTimerEnabled
    • messageSecondsTrigger

      public static int messageSecondsTrigger
    • messageSeconds

      public static int messageSeconds
  • Constructor Details

    • TimerSystem

      public TimerSystem()
  • Method Details

    • tickTimer

      public static void tickTimer(net.minecraftforge.event.TickEvent.ServerTickEvent event)
    • second

      public static void second()