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bedrockOnBreak(BlockEvent.BreakEvent) - Static method in class io.github.icrazyblaze.twitchmod.CommandHandlers
BlacklistCommand - Class in io.github.icrazyblaze.twitchmod.command
BlacklistCommand() - Constructor for class io.github.icrazyblaze.twitchmod.command.BlacklistCommand
BlacklistSystem - Class in io.github.icrazyblaze.twitchmod.util.files
This class is responsible for reading from and writing to the blacklist file.
BlacklistSystem() - Constructor for class io.github.icrazyblaze.twitchmod.util.files.BlacklistSystem
BotCommon - Class in io.github.icrazyblaze.twitchmod.bots
BotCommon() - Constructor for class io.github.icrazyblaze.twitchmod.bots.BotCommon
BotConfig - Class in io.github.icrazyblaze.twitchmod.config
Commonly referenced public values are stored here.
BotConfig() - Constructor for class io.github.icrazyblaze.twitchmod.config.BotConfig
breakBlock() - Static method in class io.github.icrazyblaze.twitchmod.CommandHandlers
broadcastMessage(MutableComponent) - Static method in class io.github.icrazyblaze.twitchmod.CommandHandlers
This method sends a message to everyone on a server.
burnVillagersOnInteract - Static variable in class io.github.icrazyblaze.twitchmod.CommandHandlers
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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form